Chris Barnard

I was born and raised in Warner Robins, GA. I have seven siblings. I was saved after a Wednesday night youth worship service at Dayspring Baptist Church in Warner Robins, GA. Dayspring will always be an endearing Church to me as that is where I met the Lord, was baptized, where I surrendered my life to the ministry and where I would marry my beautiful wife Courtney. 

I had the privilege of attending Truett McConnell University for three years where I would obtain my Bachelors in Biblical and Theological Studies. Upon graduation my wife and I moved to Dallas/Ft. Worth where I attended Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. I had the privilege of not only attending seminary, but also being on staff at Prestonwood Baptist Church in Plano, TX. Prestonwood is where I was privileged to minister to senior adults. I graduated with my Advanced Masters of Divinity in 2019. I look forward to the day when I will continue my theological education. 

The Lord has been faithful and good to my wife and I over the years in countless ways, one being his blessing of children. We have one son named Declan and we are currently (read eagerly) awaiting the arrival of our next child. 

The longing of my life is to be faithful to my Lord in the calling he has placed upon life. I long to exalt the Lord, evangelize the lost and equip the saints through preaching, teaching, training and exhorting. I long to give my life away in the study and the service for the bride of Christ. 

My name will not be remembered by my great grandchildren, but I pray, by the grace of God, for my children and grandchildren to know Christ because we have chosen to shepherd the hearts of our children in the way of the Lord. Choosing to forsake the foolishness of the world for the riches of His glory and grace. 

I long for my life to count for Christ. I pray, by the power and the grace of God to keep me, that I may hit the finish line hard, being more satisfied with Him than the fleeting pleasures of this world. 

Ultimately, you could say:
I long to serve the Lord, 
make an eternal impact, 
die forgotten by the world, 
but remembered by Christ.